Codula Fuili

Codula Fuili is a small but gorgeous canyon that stretches out among the limestone ledges of the Gulf of Orosei, just a few kilometers from the town of Cala Gonone. The completion of this route requires the use of harnesses and ropes.

This dry canyoning route has become a classic trail throughout the years. The features of this codula (canyon) allow even beginners to easily experiment this discipline and therefore to enjoy the extraordinarily wild environment. At several spots the gorge has walls so narrow that you can touch them at the same time only by spreading your arms!

The excursion to Codula Fuili can be scheduled in any season. You can reach the upper part of the valley by car (or with a shuttle service) and after a few hours of descent we will arrive at the lovely and suggestive beach of Cala Fuili where in summer you may be rewarded by a well-deserved swim!

Further information
The descent of the gorge takes about 4 hours. Groups can be composed of a minimum of 6 participants and the individual participation fee is 40 €.
The participation fee includes the guide and the necessary technical gear (helmet, lanyard and harness).